Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Consider the need separate from the social construct

Just a very fast thought. It is difficult to example the excess wisdom we have available from people 55 and older when the socially constructed realities of lives get in the way. The trend is toward specialized communities for people as they grow older. The specialized communities have the effect of removal. People are of course still here or there. And many people have increased their social actions, community service and so forth. What is missing are the infinite number of incidental relational moments that add up to transference of wisdom and knowledge. In the model of volunteer one may also have authentic relationships but more often they are valuable services done as an external community member. The image of this contributor is one of nice older but relatively unknown older person. The person may be seen as indispensable but a little forgetful. When a person is in the everyday flow of family and community life they are father, friend, grandmother, aunt and so forth. Words spoken and actions demonstrated become golden nuggets carried into generations of living. The image is actor / speaker with deep history. The forgetfulness, which the younger person thinks they see, is set aside for the gift of being recognized by the elder. Both players, volunteer and incidental liver have valuable wisdom to dispense. Unfortunately the wisdom seeded by the volunteer falls on fallow ground. The wisdom sown by the elder becomes fertile fodder for a better life.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Not slower, more complex

My 10 year old daughter waits absent patience for me to respond. What she views as the slowing of the mind, I know as deep processing. The pages of this blog may be an emergent community of voices and science as we explore the talented realities of the mind with decades of growth.